NE 16th St-Jefferson Ave NE Stormwater Green Connection

Contact Information
Jared McDonald, P.E.
Surface Water Engineer
1055 S. Grady Way
Renton, WA 98057

This project has been completed.

The NE 16th Street-Jefferson Avenue NE Stormwater Green Connections project will improve the water quality of stormwater runoff from NE 16th Street and Jefferson Avenue NE.

The project is funded by a Washington State Department of Ecology grant in the amount of $2,075,095, with a city matching component of $608,365 for a total of $2,683,460. In addition to the Washington State Department of Ecology grant, the City of Renton has also be awarded $182,600 from the King County 2019 Subregional Opportunity Fund (SROF). The King County 2019 SROF will be used to cover some of the city matching component that is required by the Department of Ecology.

Contract Award Information

The Surface Water Utility solicited proposals from consultants in accordance with City policy 252-02. Six proposals were received and evaluated, and three consultant firms were selected for interviews. KPG, Inc. ranked the highest and was selected to perform the work.

Council awarded the professional services contract to KPG, Inc., in the amount of $424,541, at its regularly scheduled meeting on January 28, 2019. 

Project work under this agreement has been completed and includes survey, geotechnical, and civil engineering design services.

The Surface Water Utility solicited bids from contractors in accordance with City policy 252-02. Fourteen bids were submitted on December 22, 2020, and Strickland & Sons Excavation, LLC has been selected as the contractor for the project.

At its regular meeting on February 1, 2021, the Renton City Council awarded the construction contract, in the amount of $2,811,189.30, to Strickland & Sons Excavation, LLC.

Project Description

Stormwater improvements will include new catch basins, conveyance pipe, and water quality facilities such as bioretention cells and pervious sidewalks. In addition to the stormwater improvements, the city will upsize the existing water mains and install a new fire hydrant to provide additional fire coverage within the project limits.

Other improvements will include new curbs, gutters, and street restoration.

Project Update

The project has reached physical completion and all work has been reviewed and accepted by the City of Renton construction management team. This project has faced many challenges from COVID to concrete strikes and the City of Renton appreciates your patience as we navigated through them. We hope this project provides a pedestrian friendly neighborhood for years to come.

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