Renton Comprehensive PlanThe Comprehensive Plan is a long-term plan that establishes goals and policies for growth and development in Renton. Washington’s Growth Management Act (GMA) establishes statewide goals related to reducing urban sprawl, having efficient transportation systems, ensuring housing is affordable to all economic segments, retaining open space, and protecting environmental quality, among others.

The GMA requires cities to establish comprehensive plans to guide local government activities, including land use, transportation, housing, economic development, parks, and recreation; utilities; capital facilities; and climate change and resiliency. Renton’s Plan also addresses human services, community planning, and subarea plans.

The GMA establishes a statewide planning framework so that local, county, and regional plans work together to achieve county, regional, and statewide goals best. More information on Washington's Growth Management Act is available at MRSC.

Renton’s current Comprehensive Plan was last adopted in 2015, and Renton must adopt an updated Comprehensive Plan in 2024. The update process will include involvement from residents, property owners, stakeholders, and businesses, as well as, City staff, the City Council, the Planning Commission, and local partners like the State of Washington Department of Commerce and Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC). The update will also meet new requirements from the Legislature to plan for and accommodate housing for all income levels, allow Middle Housing types in predominantly single-family zones, and address climate change.

Community input will help ensure that the future of Renton reflects the community's vision. Community members can contribute to the Comprehensive Plan by participating in meetings, attending community workshops, responding to surveys and other requests for input, reviewing draft materials, and sending other thoughts and feedback to [email protected].

The City Council will adopt the final plan by late 2024.

Tentative project schedule can be found here.

Review Draft Plan Elements

We are excited to share that we have the last four (4) elements (Transportation, Parks and Recreation, Land Use, and Housing and Human Services) ready for public view in addition to the six (6) elements previously available. The Public Hearing for these items was held during the Planning Commission meeting on July 3, 2024, and deliberation and recommendations on July 17, 2024. For more information visit the Planning Commission Meeting webpage.  

Land Use Element (PDF)  
Housing and Human Services Element (PDF)  
Parks and Recreation Element (PDF)  
Transportation Element (PDF)  

Please see below Staff presentation recordings as well as redline version of Group 1 of Comprehensive Plan draft elements: Vision, Capital Facilities, Community Planning, Utilities, and Economic Development, except for Climate and Resilience which is a new element.

 Vision Element (PDF) 
 Vision Element - Redlines (PDF)
Recording: Vision Element 
 Climate and Resilience Element (PDF)
Recording: Climate and Resilience Element
 Capital Facilities Element (PDF)
 Capital Facilities Element - Redlines (PDF)
Recording: Capital Facilities Element
 Community Planning Element (PDF)
 Community Planning Element - Redlines (PDF)
Recording: Community Planning Element
 Utilities Element (PDF)
 Utilities Element - Redlines (PDF)
Recording: Utilities Element
 Economic Development Element (PDF)
 Economic Development Element - Redlines (PDF)
Recording: Economic Development Element

Written comments may be submitted to [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Comprehensive Plan?

The Comprehensive Plan is a long-term planning document that establishes a vision, goals, and policies for Renton's future growth and development. It guides city actions related to land use and growth and opportunities for housing, and economic development such as workforce, business opportunities, natural environment protection, as well as infrastructure, public services and amenities such as parks, emergency response, stormwater management, mobility, water, wastewater, and more.

Renton’s current Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2015 with the vision of The center of opportunity in the Puget Sound Region where families and businesses thrive. The plan includes goals and policies for nine elements:

  • Land Use
  • Transportation
  • Housing and Human Services
  • Economic Development
  • Parks, Recreation, Natural Areas, and Trails
  • Community Planning
  • Utilities
  • Capital Facilities
  • Shoreline Management

Why is Renton updating its Comprehensive Plan?

Washington’s Growth Management Act (GMA) requires cities and counties to review and update their comprehensive plans on a specific schedule. While cities can edit their comprehensive plans in any year, cities in King County must complete a periodic review of the whole plan by 2024. The planning process includes coordination among cities, counties, and the state to achieve state-wide goals. There are also new state requirements to plan for and accommodate housing for all income levels, allow Middle Housing types in predominantly single-family zones, and address climate change.

How does Renton use the Comprehensive Plan?

The Comprehensive Plan guides Renton’s policies and regulations related to growth and development. It helps to ensure that Renton evolves in a way that matches the community’s vision for the future. The plan also helps unify decision-making across city departments by establishing shared goals and vision. Supporting infrastructure and service plans and budgets are aligned with the Comprehensive Plan.

How is the Comprehensive Plan developed?

The Comprehensive Plan is developed through community meetings, workshops, surveys, and work from City staff, the City Council, the Planning Commission, and local partner organizations.

Who can get involved?

Anyone can be involved in the Comprehensive Plan process! The City encourages Renton community members—anyone who lives, works, visits, uses services, or owns property in Renton—to join the conversation and provide their input.

How can I provide input for the Comprehensive Plan?

Renton has been reaching out to community members for input for many months.

  • Send an Email: You can send thoughts, feedback, or additional information to [email protected].
  • Respond to Requests for Input. A community survey will be launched in October to gather information on community needs, priorities, and values. Additional surveys may be used to gather input on the draft plan.
  • Attend a public meeting or community workshop. Check this website for upcoming events.

What does plan for and accommodate housing for all incomes mean?

House Bill 1220 passed in 2021, specified that Comprehensive Plans must have policies regarding the provision of housing for all income segments. It also requires each community to identify the number of new housing units needed at each income level. At a minimum, Renton must plan to accommodate following housing units for each income level.

Comprehensive Plan

What are examples of Middle Housing types and what is the new requirement?

Duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, fiveplexes, sixplexes, townhouses, stacked flats, courtyard apartments, and cottages were all codified as Middle Housing types with House Bill 1110 this year. The City will be required to allow 6 of those 9 types of housing in zones that are predominantly single family.

How much will it cost to update the comprehensive plan?

It is hard to assess costs specific to the Comprehensive Plan. Like many required plans, updating the Comprehensive Plan is a standard local government requirement and part of the city’s work. There have been significant changes in state law related to local planning requirements that will require effort to address. To ease this burden, the state has issued several grant opportunities to support local governments in implementing new requirements. Renton has successfully won grants that provide resources to conduct studies and analysis, community engagement, and other work to inform the Comprehensive Plan update. Recent grant efforts include:

  • Housing Action Plan Implementation Grant regarding Land Use and Housing
  • Middle Housing Grant
  • Periodic Update Grant

How will the Comprehensive Plan impact my property?

Renton’s future policymaking will be guided by the goals and policies established in the Comprehensive Plan. The goals and policies are designed to support widely held values related to managing urban growth, reducing sprawl, protecting the environment, maintaining open space, and ensuring the availability of transportation options and housing affordable to all economic segments. Depending on the property’s location, changes in the comprehensive plan may impact opportunities for the property’s future use. For example, it may increase options by encouraging a variety of housing types or restrict some options by establishing policies prohibiting new development in areas at risk of flooding.

Will the Comprehensive Plan change my taxes?

Changes to the Comprehensive Plan will not have a direct impact on property taxes. However, future policy changes may affect taxes by changing the market value of the land or the services provided by the City. Like all policy changes, future changes to policies or regulations will include public review, opportunities for community input, public hearings, and a formal decision by the City Council.

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