Policy Agenda

Renton’s Policy Agenda is managed and carried out at the county, regional and state levels with the applicable commissions, boards, committees and bodies that can influence or decide these priorities.

Policy Agenda

City’s Business Plan emphasizes advocating Renton’s interests through federal, state and regional partnerships.

City interests, participation and leadership in the region covers a wide spectrum of issues and forums.

City regional work efforts include:

  • Participation and leadership in regional and multi-jurisdictional committees and work efforts
  • Partnerships among jurisdictions for the efficient delivery of services
  • Collaboration on issues of mutual interest

The City is well served by working together with other jurisdictions, as many city interests extend beyond city boundaries. City interests may be advanced strategically in the region.

Regional cooperation and city involvement in regional affairs provides opportunities to address city interests and influence the future of the region.

Council, Mayor and staff advocacy at the regional level are all necessary for the City to be successful in advancing city interests and shaping the future of the region.


The following principles are required to be successful in the regional agenda and will guide city work efforts:

  • Regional cooperation
  • Speaking with one voice
  • Flexibility
  • Discretion to negotiate

City interests in the regional arena are categorized in the following broad areas:

  • Transportation
  • Growth
  • Public Safety
  • Environment
  • Inclusion and Wellbeing

Council-adopted policies, interest statements, and agreements will guide and direct the City in its regional work efforts.

Advancing City Interests

City elected officials serving on regional and multi-jurisdictional committees will be briefed by staff as appropriate prior to meetings.

City Councilmembers serving on regional and multi-jurisdictional committees have agreed to provide regular updates at Council meetings.

Council will be provided opportunities to weigh in on a timely basis on emerging regional issues and the development of solutions to address these issues.

Important regional activities will be reported to Council via briefings, reports, emails and verbal updates from the Mayor and staff.


Council Direction

Adopted Policies & Agreements

Comprehensive Plan
Business Plan
Improvement Plan
Trails and Bicycle Master Plan
Budget Priorities
Legislative Agenda
Transit Agreements with King County

Policy Summary

Develop a system that stimulates, supports and enhances the safe, efficient and reliable movement of people, vehicles and goods.

Provide facilities that promote vibrant commerce, clean air and water, and health and recreation.

Maintain, preserve and extend the life and utility of transportation investments.

Establish a stable, long-term financial foundation for continuously improving the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of the transportation system.

Renton in the Region

Expansion of Rapid Ride System
Relocation of Downtown Transit Center to Grady Way
Funding Mechanisms for Infrastructure
I-405/SR 167 Direct Connector Project
I-405 Widening & Express
Toll Lanes
Local and Regional Transit Services and Infrastructure
Represent City’s regional agenda with Council representation on:

  • South County Area Transportation Board
  • Eastside Transportation Partnership
  • Regional Transit Committee
  • I-405 Executive Board
  • PSRC Transportation Policy Board
  • Sound Transit Board
  • Eastside Rail Corridor Advisory Council

2017 Actions

Advocate Legislature to use money saved on I-405 projects within I-405 service corridor.

Advocate Sound Transit for early action on securing property and relocating downtown transit center to Rainier/Grady site.

Advocate Sound Transit for optimal design features to ensure that the facility in Renton includes adequate parking spaces, and access improvements.

Advocate Sound Transit on timely project delivery for bus rapid transit service along I-405 and in-line station at NE 44th.

Advocate WSDOT for optimal design features and timely delivery of the I-405 Renton-to-Bellevue project.

Advocate King County for optimal design features and timely project delivery of the Eastside Rail Corridor bike/pedestrian trail.

Actively seek grants to leverage city funding.

Update Trails and Bicycle Master Plan

Advocate for Early Implementation of RapidRide Routes in Renton

Council Direction

Adopted Policies & Agreements

Comprehensive Plan
Business Plan
Zoning Code
Parks, Recreation and Natural Areas Plan
Capital Improvement Plan
Legislative Agenda
Budgeting Priorities
Countywide Planning Policies
Growing Transit Communities Compact

Policy Summary

Utilize multiple strategies to accommodate residential growth:

  • New single family neighborhoods on large tracts of land outside City Center
  • New multi-family and mixed-use in City Center and other high density areas
  • Infill development on vacant or underutilized land in established neighborhoods and multi-family areas
  • Growth focused in Regional Growth Center – Downtown, Landing, and Southport.
  • Residential growth will be high quality with land efficiently utilized and natural features and built amenities incorporated.
  • Growth pays proportional costs associated with growth.
  • Strengthen employment base and economic growth by achieving a mix of industrial, high technology, office, and commercial activities.
  • Parks and recreation amenities should be commensurate with growth

Renton in the Region

Growth Management Act
Countywide Planning Policies
2035 Growth Targets:

  • 14,050 New Dwelling Units
  • 28,755 New Jobs

Growth Management Planning Council
Affordable Housing
Represent City’s regional agenda with Council representation on:

  • Growth Management Planning Council
  • Growth Management Policy Board
  • Sound Cities Association
  • Economic Development Council
  • State Habitat and Recreation Lands Coordinating Group
  • Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Advisory Committee
  • Washington Wildlife and Recreation Coalition

2017 Actions

Lobby the Legislature to more fully fund infrastructure investments needed to support planned growth within urban areas.

Lobby transit agencies to provide greater access to transit in Renton.

Pursue all opportunities at the Federal, State and Regional levels for grant funding for infrastructure.

Continue to participate in State and Regional forums regarding changes in storm water regulations, and pursue funding and cost effective means to meet new requirements.

Continue to seek an Interlocal Agreement with King County to more closely align new development in the county with city standards.

If no Interlocal is adopted, consider actions such as adjusting the Potential Annexation Areas accordingly.

Continue to pursue enhancing and diversifying Renton’s employment base.

Continue to participate in PSRC’s boards related to economic development, transportation and growth to ensure Renton’s interests are furthered.

City continue to participate in state and regional forums and planning efforts to maximize funding strategies and foster public and private partnerships to maximize parks and recreation opportunities.

Council Direction

Adopted Policies & Agreements

Comprehensive Plan
Business Plan
Regional Fire Authority Agreement
Regional Coordination Framework & Agreement
Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Disaster Recovery Framework

Policy Statement

Promote safety, health and security through effective communication and service delivery.

Facilitate successful neighborhoods through community involvement.

Provide opportunities for communities to be better prepared for emergencies.

Renton in the Region

Public Safety
Emergency Preparedness/Response
Animal Service
Court Services
Represent City’s regional agenda with Council representation on:

  • Emergency Management Advisory Committee
  • Domestic Violence Initiative Board

2017 Actions

Seek $2.4 million per fiscal year in the Operating Budget to address the training backlog at the Basic Law Enforcement Academy (BLEA); support using traffic-fine revenue the state already receives from local jurisdictions ensure full funding of BLEA.

Adopt the revised Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan.

Adopt the revised Disaster Recovery Plan and transition to the Disaster Recovery Framework.

Council Direction

Adopted Policies & Agreements

Comprehensive Plan
Parks, Recreation and Natural Areas Plan
Municipal Code
Clean Economy Strategy
Urban and Community Forestry
Development Plan
Solid Waste Agreement
King County Cities Climate Collaboration
Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) 8 Interlocal Agreement
WRIA 9 Interlocal Agreement
Puget Sound Salmon Recovery Plan
Salmon Habitat Plan

Policy Summary

Balance development with environmental protection.

Minimize adverse impacts to natural systems.

Address impacts of past practice, where feasible, through leadership, policy, regulation and regional coordination.

Reduce costs through energy-saving and resource efficiency measures.

Protect and restore aquatic ecosystem health and salmon habitat.

Renton in the Region

Environmental Protection
Salmon and WRIA 8 Activities
Aquifer Protection
Stormwater Management and Low Impact Development
Solid Waste, Composting, and Recycling
Represent City’s policy agenda with Council representation on:

  • WRIA 8 and WRIA 9 Salmon Recovery Forums
  • Cedar River Council
  • Regional Water Quality Committee
  • King County Flood Control District
  • Solid Waste Advisory Board

2017 Actions

Advocate that King County Solid Waste Transfer Station plan promotes equitable service, costs and impacts throughout the King County solid waste service area.

City supports the Renton Transfer Station to remain open but not be expanded, and favors a new transfer station in the north-east to replace the Kirkland Houghton Station after it closes.

Work with the King County Flood Control District, King County Department of Natural Resources, Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife and other stakeholders to manage large woody debris accumulations in the Cedar River that pose a public safety hazard to recreational users or a risk to downstream infrastructure (roads and bridges) in an acceptable manner that also maintains the habitat benefits it provides.

Continue to support WRIA’s 8 and 9 in their efforts to secure funding to update and implement their salmon habitat plans.
Continue to support the King County Flood Control District’s effort, in coordination with other cities in King County, to reduce flood hazards.

Council Direction

Adopted Policies & Agreements
Comprehensive Plan
Business Plan
Human Services Strategic Plan
Budget Priorities

Policy Summary

Renton is an inclusive city with opportunities for all.

Improve access to services and programs.
Build connections with ALL communities that reflect Renton’s diversity.

Promote understanding and appreciation of our diversity.

Encourage volunteerism, participation and civic engagement.

Partner with the community to help provide services and resources so all residents have food, clothing and shelter; and have the opportunity to live a healthy, active, safe and sustainable lifestyle.

Renton in the Region

Human Services
Mental Health and Drug Dependency
Affordable Housing
Washington State Criminal Justice Training Center
Represent City’s policy agenda with representation on:

  • King County Police Chiefs’ committee to improve relationships with diverse communities
  • Committee to End Homelessness

2017 Actions

Partner with King County to establish and participate in a regional forum on equity and inclusion to find common areas of focus, take collective action to address them, and advocate for the most vulnerable populations.

Continue involvement with King County
Police Chiefs’ Association to further bias-free policing and to build relationships with communities that lead toward mutual respect and trust.

Continue to pursue partnerships and build foundations that would qualify for Best Starts for Kids grants.

Continue participation in South King County Workforce Collective to identify shared emerging workforce issues and find solutions.

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