Lobby the Legislature to more fully fund infrastructure investments needed to support planned growth within urban areas.
Lobby transit agencies to provide greater access to transit in Renton.
Pursue all opportunities at the Federal, State and Regional levels for grant funding for infrastructure.
Continue to participate in State and Regional forums regarding changes in storm water regulations, and pursue funding and cost effective means to meet new requirements.
Continue to seek an Interlocal Agreement with King County to more closely align new development in the county with city standards.
If no Interlocal is adopted, consider actions such as adjusting the Potential Annexation Areas accordingly.
Continue to pursue enhancing and diversifying Renton’s employment base.
Continue to participate in PSRC’s boards related to economic development, transportation and growth to ensure Renton’s interests are furthered.
City continue to participate in state and regional forums and planning efforts to maximize funding strategies and foster public and private partnerships to maximize parks and recreation opportunities.