Water Conservation

Renton is a member of the Saving Water Partnership (a group of local water utilities in Seattle and King County working together to help customers save water and money) and supports the region's water conservation goals.

Click here for a list of rebates available through the Saving Water Partnership.

Easy Ways to Conserve Water

  • Water before 8 a.m. or after 7 p.m., which reduces evaporation.

  • It is better to have one or two deep waterings, rather than several shallow waterings.

  • Fix obvious indoor and outdoor leaks such as faucets and hose bibs. Check for less obvious leaks such as silent toilet leaks and underground irrigation leaks. For silent toilet leaks, put several drops of food coloring in the toilet tank; after 10 minutes if there is color in the toilet bowl, there is a flapper leak.

  • Wash vehicle(s) at locations that recycle their water.

  • Use a broom, rather than a hose, to clean sidewalks, driveways and patios.

  • Wait until clothes washer and dishwasher are full before starting.

More water saving tips

Saving Water Indoors

PieChartApproximately two-thirds of indoor water consumption occurs in the bathroom, so this is a good place to start water-saving habits.

Three steps to saving water:

Saving Water Outdoors

It is not surprising that Renton nearly doubles its water consumption during the summer.

Summer is when Renton’s Water Utility experiences its Peak Use Day (greatest volume of water used in a single day or in a single hour). The largest part of this increased water usage is for lawns and gardens. Even though we have a reliable and adequate supply of high quality water, these brief periods of peak use put a very large demand on the water system. As Renton grows, the demands of these peak days will also grow. To meet the peak demands, we need to maintain our water system’s capacity at a level that can, for a few days or weeks each year, deliver nearly twice the average daily volume of water.

What can be done?

Peak use demand can be eased by planning our outdoor areas to minimize our summer irrigation needs, as well as by observing a few simple outdoor water conservation activities. The watering rule of thumb for lawns is one inch of water per week. However, a more precise measure of your landscape's needs can be made by determining the amount of water the plant has actually been using, also called the evapotranspiration (ET). The Irrigation Water Management Society maintains a daily ET calculator for the Seattle area. The site will also estimate your lawn's supplemental water needs and calculate water schedules for automatic irrigation systems.

Minimizing lawn and garden water use

Making every drop count is the water-wise way to garden. Conserving water in the lawn and garden begins from the ground up with healthy soil. Careful site observation and planning can minimize water needs by ensuring the right plant is in the right place.

Use Natural Yard Care guidelines and tips when planning or renovating your landscape.

The EPA's water-smart landscape photo gallery has more tips.

Why Conserve?

Renton has a vigorous business economy and growing population, while our water supply is fixed. Just as Renton is growing, so is the rest of the region, and likewise, the demands oClick here for the HomeWaterWorks website water usage calculatorn all water supplies. Our finite supply of water must meet the growing demands of not only business, industry, and people, but also the environment.

Now that numerous salmon stocks have been listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) as threatened or endangered, the need to conserve water is greater than ever. The more water people use or waste, the less there is for fish in rivers and streams. We can help save salmon while maintaining a healthy economy. Conserving water and minimizing the use of harmful chemicals will not only help save salmon, but also protect the environment for ourselves and for our families' futures.

Conserving water should not just be a response to droughts. It can, with a little effort, become a habit that not only saves money, but helps preserve the environment as well. Gather water efficiency and conservation ideas for all areas of your home on a tour through the H2ouse.

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