Recycling Does Not Stop At The Curb

Even if an item is not accepted in Renton's residential recycling program, it may still be recyclable. Scrap metal, stumps, and concrete, which may normally be taken to the transfer station, can be recycled at locations in or near Renton, often at a much lower cost. Search "What do I do with...?" for locations to recycle items not currently collected through the city's curbside recycling program.

The City of Renton hosts Recycling Events to help residents recycle materials that are not accepted as part of the regular curbside collection program. At these events, the city accepts items such as Styrofoam, scrap metals, mattresses, tires, and shredded paper. A notice is sent out with the utility bill and also listed in the city source section of the Renton Reporter.

For further information on disposal locations and inquiries, visit King County Transfer Station.

Separate recyclable waste and food and yard waste from garbage

Separating recyclable waste and food and yard waste from garbage can save money and help protect the environment.

The residential curbside collection service provided by Republic Services includes recycling (blue cart) as well as organics (gray cart) without additional cost to the customer. By separating recyclables and organics (food and yard waste) from the garbage, you can downsize your garbage cart and pay a lower rate. Keeping materials out of the landfill whenever possible is a socially responsible practice, helping to conserve natural resources and reduce greenhouse gases that drive climate change.

No charge for setting out extra recyclables or yard waste

There is no charge for setting out extra recyclables or yard waste that do not fit into curbside carts.

Set out extra recyclable items in a bin or cardboard box (limit 3’x3’x3’) next to the blue recycling cart. Extra yard trimmings can be put in paper yard bags, 32-gal cans with handles (65 lb limit) and lids that are labeled “Yard,” or in bundles tied with sisal twine (4’x2’ limit). They can be set out next to the gray organics cart. DO NOT bag extra recyclables or food and yard waste in plastic bags.

Recyclability depends on its quality and the market demand

The recyclability of a material depends on its quality and the market demand for that material.

For this reason, and for easy and safe sorting at the recycling facility, it is important that the items placed in your recycling cart are on Republic Services' accepted list, and are empty, clean, and dry. Once recyclable items are collected and taken to a recycling facility, they are sorted by machines and people, then baled by material to be sold.

Reuse plastic bags or recycle them at a store

Reuse plastic bags or recycle them at a grocery store that has a take-back program.

Plastic bags are not accepted in curbside recycling as they cause many problems at recycling facilities. They get caught in sorting machines and have to be cut down, which disrupts operations, raises safety concerns, and results in higher operation costs. Furthermore, they can contaminate otherwise clean bales of recyclable materials. 

The best solution is to bring reusable bags when shopping, instead of getting plastic bags. If plastic bags must be used, reuse them or take them to a grocery store that recycles them. All major grocery stores in Renton, as well as some large retail stores like Target, Lowe's and Staples, have a plastic bag take-back program.

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