There are hundreds of dog walkers throughout Renton at all times of the day or night. They are often preoccupied with texting, social media, listening to music or on phone calls. Dog Walker Watch is a crime awareness program that encourages dog walkers to set aside those distractions and assist the Renton Police Department as extra eyes and ears in our on-going crime prevention efforts.
How the Program Works
The program trains you how to effectively observe and report suspicious or criminal activity as you are routinely out in your neighborhood. You know your neighborhood best and are in the best position to spot anything that looks unusual or out of place.
Training Class - (Dates Will Be Announced Summer 2020!)
In the meantime, you can click on the graphic above for tips on what to look for and how to report suspicious activity while you're walking in your neighborhood. If you have questions regarding Dog Walker Watch, please contact Cyndie Morris, Community Programs Unit.