Hazardous Materials

Potentially harmful chemicals are used for a wide variety of uses, and are stored, used in, and travel through Renton on a regular basis. Chemicals can be hazardous to humans or the environment if used or released improperly. These hazards can occur during production, storage, transportation, use, or disposal of chemicals. Hazardous materials in various forms can cause death, serious injury, long-lasting health effects and damage to buildings and the environment.

The Renton Regional Fire Authority is the primary agency responsible for responding to hazardous materials incidents in Renton.

If you cause or notice a possible hazardous materials incident report it by calling 425-430-7400, or 911 if the spill material is a hazardous material. If you are not sure, call 911.

Before a Hazardous Materials Incident

  • Create an emergency kit with your household. Include plastic sheeting, duct tape, and scissors to be prepared for a hazardous materials incident.
  • Create a household emergency plan.
  • Call 811 before you start any digging project.

During a Hazardous Materials Incident

  • Listen to local radio and television stations for detailed information and instructions.

If You Are Asked to Evacuate

  • Leave immediately
  • Stay tuned to local radio or television stations for evacuation routes, shelters, and other procedures.
  • Follow recommended routes, shortcuts may not be safe.
  • If you have time, close all windows and doors and shut off ventilation systems in your building before leaving.
  • Take any pre-assembled disaster supplies.
  • Help any neighbors who may need additional assistance evacuating if it is safe to do so.

If You Are Indoors

  • A diagram showing how to shelter in place by taping plastic sheeting over doors, windows, and ventilation systemsBring pets inside
  • Close and lock all exterior doors and windows. Shut vents, fireplace dampers, and as many interior doors as possible.
  • Turn off air conditioning and ventilation systems. In large buildings, set ventilation systems to 100 percent recirculation to avoid drawing outside air into the building.
  • Go to a pre-selected shelter room. Choose a room that is above ground and has the fewest possible openings to the outside.
  • Seal gaps under doorways and windows with wet towels or plastic sheeting and duct tape. Shelter up and in.
  • Seal gaps around windows, air conditioning units, exhaust fans, and other vents with duct tape and plastic sheeting, wax paper, or aluminum wrap.
  • Use material to fill any cracks or holes in the room.
  • If gas or vapors could have entered the building, cover your mouth with a cloth or towel and take shallow breaths. Avoid eating or drinking food or water that could be contaminated.

If You Are Outside

  • Stay upstream, uphill, and upwind of the incident. Try to go at least one half mile away from the dangerous area. Move away from the incident and advise others to stay away.
  • Do not walk through or touch any spilled liquids, airborne mists, or condensed chemical deposits. Try not to inhale any gas, fumes, or smoke. If possible, cover your mouth with cloth.
  • Avoid contact with any accident victims.

If You Are In a Vehicle

  • Stop and seek shelter in a permanent building. If you must remain in your car, keep car windows shut and turn off the ventilation systems.

After A Hazardous Materials Incident

After A Hazardous Materials Incident

  • Follow any issued decontamination instructions. You may be advised to take a thorough shower or to stay away from water and follow a different procedure.
  • Seek medical treatment for any unusual symptoms as soon as possible.
  • Place exposed clothing and shoes in sealed containers. Contact local authorities for proper disposal instructions.
  • Advise everyone who comes in contact with you that you may have been exposed to a toxic substance.
  • Return home when authorities say it is safe. Open windows and vents and turn on fans to provide ventilation.
  • Report any lingering vapors or other hazards to 911.
  • Contact local authorities for information on cleaning up your land and property.


Report Hazardous Materials spills in Renton
The City responds to any illicit discharge or spill that enters our city's public draining system or threatens a local waterway. Please report spills right away.

King County Local Emergency Planning Committee
The Local Emergency Planning Committee is responsible for developing the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan's Hazardous Materials Support Annex, reviewing it annually, and providing information about chemicals in the community to local residents.

Know What’s Below. Call 811 Before You Dig
Call 811 a few days before a digging project to notify local utility companies to mark buried lines.

Bioterrorism Information
Information about bioterrorism attacks preparedness and safety from Ready.

Chemical Emergency Information
Information about chemical emergency preparedness and safety from Ready.

Radiological Dispersion Device Information
Information about RDD preparedness and safety from Ready.

Nuclear Blast Information
Information about nuclear blast preparedness and safety from Ready.

Preparedness information adapted from ready.gov/hazardous-materials-incidents.
Contact Information

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