
The Renton Regional Fire Authority serves the City of Renton for fire response.

Structure fires and wild fires along our green spaces could pose a risk to homes, businesses, and other buildings in Renton. In the event of a fire, leave the area immediately and call 911.

Before a Fire

  • Create and practice a fire escape plan with two ways out of each room.
  • Install smoke alarms on every level of your home and outside every sleeping area. Test them monthly.
  • Sleep with bedroom doors closed.
  • Prepare your building for wild fires.
  • Store copies of important documents in a fire-proof lock box.

During a Fire

  • Crawl low under smoke to your exit.
  • When the smoke alarm sounds, get out quickly.
  • Before opening a door, feel the doorknob and door with the back of your hand. If the door is hot, leave the door closed and use another way out.
  • Open doors slowly. If fire is present on the other side of the door, shut the door quickly.
  • Call 9-1-1 as soon as it is safe to do so.
  • Do not re-enter the building to assist people or pets still inside.
  • If you cannot escape the building, stay where you are and signal for help at a window with brightly colored cloth or a flashlight.
  • If your clothing catches fire Stop, Drop, and Roll.
  • If an evacuation order is issued in response to a nearby fire, follow instructions quickly.

After a Fire

  • If you are insured, contact your insurance company for detailed instructions on how to proceed.
  • Check with the Renton Regional Fire Authority or your local fire department to make sure your building is safe to enter.
  • Conduct an inventory of damaged property and goods. Don’t throw things away before completing an inventory.
  • If you leave your home, contact the Renton Police Department or your local law enforcement agency to let them know the building will be empty.
  • Save receipts for any money you spend related to fire loss.
  • Notify your mortgage company of the fire.
  • Check with an accountant or the Internal Revenue Service about special benefits for people recovering from fire loss.


Renton Regional Fire Authority
The Renton Regional Fire Authority provides fire suppression, inspection, and emergency medical services for the City of Renton.

Sparky the Dog
Sparky offers games, activities, and other resources to teach young children about fire safety and prevention.

U.S. Fire Administration
The USFA provides national leadership in fire prevention, preparedness, and response.

National Fire Protection Association
The NFPA conducts research and sets industry standards for fire, electrical, and related hazards.

Outdoor Smoke Safety
Information on how to stay safe and healthy when smoke from a wildfire or other source is present outside.

Information adapted from and
Contact Information
Renton Regional Fire Authority
Renton, WA 98055

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