As snow melts, it is important to ensure rooftop drains and downspouts are clear of ice or other obstructions and functioning.
All roofs have a designed snow load and if you are unsure about how much snow your roof can hold, contact a professional.
There are several ways to remove snow from your roof. But before attempting, please keep these safety tips from King County in mind:
Removing snow from your roof with a shovel can trigger unexpected snow slides causing crushing/suffocating injuries or death. Keep people and animals away from potential slide zones.
It is strongly recommend you not access your roof to clear snow. Climbing on a roof increases the load already stressed by the heavy snow load. The use of ladders when removing snow from your roof can pose additional hazards.
Consider hiring experts who have experience and specialized equipment for safely clearing snow or ice.
Clear any accumulation of snow around side wall vents that connect to household appliances, such as a clothes dryer.
The ultimate goal is not to remove all visible snow and ice, but rather just enough to relieve the excessive load on the roof.