Commute Trip Reduction

Contact Information
Dan Hasty
1055 South Grady Way
Renton, WA 98057

The Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Law was adopted in the early 1990's to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality. It also helps conserve limited natural resources. 

The CTR law requires employers with 100 or more full-time, permanent, year-round, employees who arrive at work on weekdays between the hours of 6 and 9 a.m. to have programs for their employees supporting and encouraging non-single-occupant-vehicle commute options. The law also specifies these CTR-affected employers must:

  • have an employee transportation coordinator (a person who helps educate employees about commute options)
  • submit regular CTR program reports
  • every two years, survey employees on their commute choices

Alternatives to driving alone might include:

  • carpooling and vanpooling
  • riding the bus or train
  • walking or bicycling to work
  • working a flexible schedule (such as four 10-hour days a week with one day off) or working from home (a.k.a. "teleworking")

Employee/Commuter Information Links

  • Rideshare - a free ride-matching service for vanpools and carpools
  • RapidRide F-line: peak hour connections between the Sounder (Longacres) Commuter Rail Station, the Downtown Renton Transit Center, and the major employment centers in the South Lake Washington area

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