Middle housing refers to housing types that are similar in size, shape, and style to single-family houses.
Examples include multiplexes (e.g., duplex, triplex, fourplex, and sixplex), townhouses, stacked flats, courtyard apartments, and cottage houses.
To comply with the HB 1110 state mandates, the City of Renton must make the following updates to its zoning and development regulations:
- Allow middle housing units within all residential zones: A maximum of four housing units per lot allowed unless higher densities are permitted.
- Lots with affordable housing: A maximum of six housing units per lot allowed if at least two of the units are affordable housing unless higher densities allowed.
- Lots near a major transit stop: A maximum of six housing units per lot allowed when within a ¼ mile walking distance of a “major transit stop” unless higher densities allowed.
More Information: House Bill 1110 report, Your Voice Renton, and adopted legislation